Saturday, December 16, 2017


Opening up the downstairs with out spa expansion has been an incremental process. We are a small family in a small community, so we can only proceed with what we have available to us at the time. We are very blessed and are so happy to share with everyone our little dream of providing a place for others to retreat from the stresses of daily life.

So far, we have opened up half of the space to allow for individual sessions downstairs, while maintaining our couple's suite upstairs. To see what went into getting that open, feel free to visit our blog entry SPA EXPANSION: Phase One.

The newly opened downstairs space now gives us the ability to offer services of 4 massage tables at one time, making it easier to accommodate groups. It also allows us to have a massage table downstairs for those who have difficulty going to the upstairs suite. We, of course, have more decorating we will be doing with the space to bring it up to the level of what our couple's suit has...but it is now equipped with all of the tools and basic comforts that ensure you have a nice relaxing experience. The reception room for this space will eventually become yet another treatment room once we open the other side of the downstairs space. Feel free to check in here as we continue with that!

Progress photos:

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